Maximizing Throughput and Minimizing Costs with Cloud Run’s Direct VPC Egress

Chimbu Chinnadurai
4 min readAug 24, 2023


The GCP team recently announced the preview release of Direct VPC egress for Cloud Run instead of a serverless VPC connector. The Direct VPC egress provides Higher throughput and lower latency because it uses a new, direct network path with Fewer hops. It also comes with Pay-per-use — network charges only instead of always-on connector instances, reducing network costs.

For production workloads, a Serverless VPC Access connector is still the recommended option until Direct VPC Egress feature is moved to GA

In this blog post, we will explore how to enable the feature in a Cloud Run service and test the internal connectivity.

Limitations and known issues

  • Direct VPC Egress currently has the following limitations. Refer to the official documentation for recent information.
  • You also need to ensure the subnet has enough free IP addresses. It is recommended to have 4 times (4X) the number of unused IP addresses for the number of instances you plan to run.

For example, if your service’s max-instances=10, have at least 40 IP addresses on the subnet that can be used by Cloud Run.

  • If the subnet of the VPC network runs out of IP addresses, it is logged by Cloud Logging. When this occurs, Cloud Run cannot start any more service instances or job tasks until more IP addresses become available.
  • To delete a subnet, you must first delete all resources that use it. If Cloud Run is using a subnet, you must disconnect Cloud Run from the VPC network or move it to a different subnet before deleting the subnet. After you delete or move your Cloud Run resources, wait 1–2 hours for Cloud Run to release the IPs before you delete the subnet.

Setting up internal service

To test the vpc connectivity from the Cloud Run, we deploy a simple nginx service in a Compute Engine machine with only internal IP.

Step 1: Set up the necessary environment variables and ensure the gcloud version is 444.0.0 and above.

export PROJECT_ID="your-project-id" #ex: chimbuc-playground
export REGION="your-region" #ex: us-central1
export ZONE="your-zone" #ex: us-central1-a

Step 2: Deploy the nginx service in the default VPC network.

gcloud compute instances create internal-nginx-service \
--project=$PROJECT_ID \
--zone=$ZONE \
--machine-type=e2-medium \
--network-interface=stack-type=IPV4_ONLY,subnet=default,no-address \
--metadata=startup-script=\#/bin/sh$'\n'sudo\ \
apt\ update$'\n'sudo\ apt\ install\ nginx\ -y\ \
--tags=http-server \
Compute Engine

Step 3: SSH into the instance and test the nginx service.

Screenshot from Compute Engine instance

Setting up Cloud Run service

Step 4: Clone the repo for a sample simple application that makes calls to the internal service deployed in the VM.

Step 5: Build the container image and push it to the GCP artifact registry. Refer to for artifact registry guidelines.

Screenshot from Artifact Registry

Step 5: Deploy the Cloud Run service without any network connectivity to the VPC.

gcloud run deploy cloud-run-egress-test \
--image=$IMAGE \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--region=$REGION \
Sample Cloud Run Deployment

Step 6: Perform a connectivity test, and you can see the request to the internal endpoint fails since there is no network connectivity between the cloud run and the VPC.

Sample Test results

Step 7: Deploy the Cloud Run service with the new direct egress feature and route all the internal IP requests to the VPC.

gcloud beta run deploy cloud-run-egress-test \
--image=$IMAGE \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--network=default \
--subnet=default \
--vpc-egress=private-ranges-only \
--region=$REGION \
Sample cloud run direct vpc egress configuration.

Step 7: Perform the connectivity to the internal endpoint, and you should receive a successful response.

Sample Test results


The new direct vpc egress feature simplified the way the Cloud Run access services running inside VPC, and some of the limitations will be removed before the feature is moved to GA. I hope this blog post has been helpful, Reach out to me if you have any questions.



Chimbu Chinnadurai
Chimbu Chinnadurai

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